Sunday, January 8, 2012

sunday 1/8/2012

seems like a really long day though i did not accomplish much of anything.  puppy is doing well starting to play, stays with me well when we go outside.  he is doing well with making his wants known,  crys to go potty, barks for attention to play, paws my foot when he wants picked up for a snuggle.  puts himself in his bed when he is sleepy.  pretty good for a newly weaned pup of around 8 weeks old.
bottle kids doing -  some good ,some - not so good.  of 8 kids, 2 are doing really well both boys and aggressive ( think they are to ornery for any 'bugs or germs' to take hold).  the other 6 all on antibiotic for pneumonia , all improving slowly boy i am tired of giving shots! and they are even tireder of getting them.  and 3 of them are repeating bloat issues every couple days.  so far i have been able to fix the bloat with a little dose of MOM each time, hope as they mature they will get where they don't need the meds.
hope to get enough water pumped off the trailer tomorrow so we can get the thing jacked up and get the tire off .  it is trashed so going to have to get a new  (used) one for it.  and hoping Doug will get off work early enough to work on the tractor, we so desperately need to get the big hay bales moved out to the pens.  there is only a couple days worth of small bales left - there was one stacker load to start with it was supposed to be just for use in the small kidding pens and for the grannies, now i have no idea how i am gonna feed the kidding pens when the time comes.
well on a brighter note since we need to use some water i will get to have a shower in the morning!  and i can probably wash a small amount of the fiber that i should be working on.

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